Bowling One-On-One Announcement: New Guest Author – Barbara Lunsford
I’m absolutely honored to announce that Barbara Lunsford will be a Guest Author for Bowling One-On-One. As an experienced collegiate bowler and gifted writer, she will help with our mission of capturing and sharing the love and passion for the sport from bowlers around the world.
“Bowling has been a part of my life since I was just three years old. Writing has been a second love I have had since first grade. I experienced collegiate bowling at Saint Xavier University, while also writing for The Xavierite. From Chicago, I aim to spread my joy for bowling and capture the passion others have for the sport. Let’s always move onward and never forget to reach for the sky.”
-Barbara Lunsford
Bowling One-On-One will publish her first interview next week!
Keep Sharing the Passion.
Tim Powell