Bowling One-On-One with Tom Adcock: 2023 PBA50 Dick Weber Sportsmanship Award

Like a fine wine, Tom Adcock keeps getting better with age. His passion for bowling started early as he first came face to face with a set of pins at age 2. From there his love and passion for the game only grew. After decades of learning and fine tuning his craft, he now has ten regional titles and two PBA50 titles under his belt, not to mention the respect and admiration of his peers and bowlers around the world. I had a chance to catch up with Tom and I asked him about his bowling journey.
Talk about your first exposure with bowling and how you got started in the sport. Also, how did the passion first develop and when did you realized that bowling would become such a big part of your future?
“My life revolved around bowling from the beginning. I started bowling at the age of 2. My father took me out and stuck me at the foul line and I pushed a 6lb ball down the lane. I hit the Junior leagues at age 5 and the adult leagues at 16. I wouldn’t say it was easy, but I was accomplishing some goals early on. I couldn’t get home fast enough on Saturday after junior leagues to watch the PBA on ABC. I was learning a lot from watching and I had the knack to imitate players and that’s when it became my dream to someday be on that stage.”
You started bowling in the PBA as a non-member in the 1980’s. You didn’t become an official member of the PBA until legend Dick Weber encouraged you personally. In fact, he was instrumental in seeing that proccess through – what a great story.
“I bowled in a few PBA events as an amateur. I made the match play (I think it was in ‘84 or ‘85) in the True Value Hardware tournament in Peoria IL. I finished 22nd.
“In the mid 80’s, Dick Weber was the regional director and was adamant about me joining the PBA. It took a year or so for me to pull the trigger on that. When I decided to sign up Dick was more than happy to give me an application. After I filled out the application I asked Dick about the signatures needed of 3 PBA peers. He chuckled and said I’ll take care of that. He signed the application and said congratulations, welcome to the PBA. One signature, and it’s Dick Weber! How amazing is that!”
“I didn’t have a lot of success on the main tour when I joined in ‘88. I went through a few sponsors and life changes in the three years I was out there. The PBA Tour will humble you if you are not prepared of which I obviously was not.”
Your dedication to compete with the best and to win championships continued to persist. In August of 2013, you and veteran Kerry Painter defeated Hall of Famers Wayne Webb and Johnny Petraglia to win the PBA50 Senior/Super Senior Doubles Classic in Decatur, Illinois.
Following the tour closely last year it seemed that every time I streamed a tournament, there you were making noise and fighting your way towards the finals. In August 2023, you captured your first singles PBA50 title, the 2023 PBA50 The Villages Classic at The Villages, FL. As the tournament leader sitting in the top seed, you watched Brad Angelo catch fire from the fifth seed position. He went on to defeat Chris Barnes (253-223), Danny Wiseman (206-202) and the Parker Bohn III (257-214). Only Brad Angelo stood in your way from winning your first PBA50 singles title and in an epic match you outlasted him (238-232).
They just don’t come easy do they Tom? Talk about this tournament and what winning The Villages Classic means to you.
“As the matches were going on I wasn’t too concerned who I was going to face as much as I was more concerned about myself. I just tried to relax and take in the environment. The crowd at The Villages is amazing! The time we are there the people will all but adopt you and make you feel at home. To bowl for a title in front of this group really made it special!”
“Once I realized I was going to bowl Brad I was both excited and focused. I knew regardless of who I was going to bowl I had to be on top of my game and with Brad there’s no exception. We both bowled good games, but I got one more break than Brad. I was able to strike out in the 10th frame and force him to do the same. After he aced the first shot, I couldn’t watch his second. Once he threw the ball, I can tell the shot was not his best as it hit high to leave the 3-6-10.”
“Emotions started flowing and after finishing the frame Brad was the first to greet me and both he and I were in tears. No lie, you wonder in your mind IF you will ever win. Keep believing and dreams will come true.”
It was a year to remember as you finished the 2023 PBA50 season ranked #7 in points and earnings. In regional action you finished in the top five, six different times. Known as a fierce competitor and as one of the kindest and reputable ambassadors of the game, the PBA50 members voted you the 2023 PBA50 Dick Weber Sportsmanship Award winner. What an incredible award to receive. Share what this award means to you.
“I got the call from John Weber that I had been selected to receive the Dick Weber Sportsmanship Award. I was speechless. I was in disbelief. After John talked to me a little longer it started to set it and my mind went back to when this all started with my application and Dick Weber. What an amazing journey! I’m humbled and honored! Thank you to all my peers for this wonderful award!”

Your confidence seems to be at an all-time high. Your game keeps steadily improving and of course the competition on the national and regional tour continues to improve. Talk about the level of competition and what it’s like to compete against the best. And also, are there particular bowlers, past or present that you might especially admire and look up to?
“I feel like I am a work in progress. I feel as if I have the ability to adapt to the various conditions we are bowling on. Success is far from easy. The competition is as tough as it can be and promises to get tougher. More past superstars are turning 50. That should make for a great PBA50 season.”
“I can’t exactly say I grew up watching these guys on TV as for the most part I’m older than most, but I did learn quite a bit on Saturday afternoons. I was a competitor against the likes of Walter Ray Williams Jr, Brad Angelo, Chris Barnes, Pete Weber and Parker Bohn III when I did my first stint on the main tour back in the late eighties. Now we will play golf, go to dinners and other social gatherings on the PBA50 tour. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming.”
Are there any particular goals you have set for yourself for the 2024 season that you are willing to share?
“I have a couple of goals. I would like to win a major. I have been close a couple of times in the past few years (2019 SR Masters -5th and 2023 SR TOC -2nd) so this year would be a thrill! Another is getting into the stepladder more often and giving myself more chances at titles. And lastly… Player of the Year has a nice ring to it don’t you think? 😊”
Yes it does!
Tom, when you have some free time away from the tour, what are some of your personal hobbies and interests?
“I like golf enough to be competitive but that’s it. I’m not all that good. I just enjoy the game. When we are not on tour we try to go to wineries.”
What advice or tips might you have to offer to bowlers of all ages and levels that are working to improve their own game?
“JUST HAVE FUN! Enjoy the game. There is nothing wrong with being competitive but remember its just a game. Also RELAX! Breathe! If you have been bowling for some time your body knows what to do. Just let it do it.”
“From the teaching side for those looking for knowledge find and sign up for BOWLU. They will teach you to look at the game from a different perspective. You’ll see the ball reactions and the way the ball goes through the pins and can make quicker decisions during your time bowling.”
Thank you for taking time to share your journey. Your continued progression and commitment to the game and impact on the sport has inspired fans and bowlers around the world. To be voted by your peers as the 2023 PBA50 Dick Weber Sportsmanship Award winner is such an incredible endorsement and recognition of your impact on the game. I and the bowling world abroad wishes you the best of luck ahead and on the 2024 PBA50 Tour.
“I have several Thank You’s to give out. Thank you to Storm, Turbo 2n1 Grips and IAM Bowling for taking care of me these past few seasons. Thank you to my family and friends around home for all the support. I would also want to thank the guys on the Sr. Tour for making every week special! To the fan base on the road. You guys are awesome! Thank you for making it feel like home! Lastly, thank you to my partner in life, Mary. I would be lost without her and sharing my successes.”
*Image Credits: USBC, PBA, PBA50, Storm Bowling and Tom Adcock